Whitehall Resident FAQs
Hello Neighbors!
Whitehall, founded in 1976, is a wonderful neighborhood community whose residents care about the wellbeing of each other. Today we find a number of our previous neighbors who left for various reasons are returning. This speaks volumes about our neighborhood culture.
We hope you will find a niche that provides you with the opportunity to invest and be involved in the community; volunteering for one of our committees is a wonderful way to contribute, get to know others in the neighborhood, and help to keep our community strong.
This page is full of helpful information and can serve as an ongoing resource. Please ensure each member of your household becomes familiar with our guidelines to promote each resident’s safety and enjoyment while living in Whitehall.
Quick Facts and Helpful Info
Animal Control:
City of Raleigh – 919-831-6311
Wake County- 919-212-7387
Anne Gordon Center for Active Adults:
1901 Spring Forest Road/Millbrook Exchange Park – (919) 996-4720
Any adult is eligible to participate in a wide variety of programs, classes and trips. Programs lean toward 50 years and up. Fees vary depending on the class. Quarterly schedules are listed on the Anne Gordon Center for Active Adults website.
City of Raleigh Website:
Curb Appeal:
• Residents are responsible for maintaining their lots, decks and porches in a neat, uncluttered condition.
• Toys, bicycles, garden tools, hoses, coolers, etc., must be stored out-of-sight when not in use. Do not hide toys behind shrubs or park them on the deck.
• Hanging clothing or towels to dry on lines or railings is prohibited.
• Signs are not permitted, with the exception of real estate signs, which must be placed within 6 feet of the seller’s building. Election signs are to be displayed and removed in accordance with the City of Raleigh Political Signs Regulations.
• Storage under decks is allowed only if the base is enclosed with privacy lattice screening.
• See the full set of rule for restrictions of outdoor decoration, birdbaths, benches, etc. in the Whitehall Rules and Regulations.
• Exterior modifications of any kind require Association approval via an ARC request.
Electrical Service and Repairs:
Duke Energy Progress
Power outage and repairs: 1-800-769-3766 or https://www.progressenergy.com/carolina/home
Exterior Maintenance, Architectural/landscape requests:
Forms for Architectural Requests and Maintenance Service Requests are available on this site. Submit all requests to the Association Manager for Board approval. The Board will vote on submitted requests; the Association Manager will inform the homeowner of the Board’s decision.
Fire and Police Emergency:
Call 911
Raleigh Police Non-Emergency: 919-996-3335 (Note: Whitehall is in the “North” District of the Raleigh Policy Department)
Down to Earth is Whitehall’s landscape management service and is on the premises on Thursdays, weather permitting. Direct questions or concerns about landscaping issues to the Association Manager.
Light Posts:
For light outages, please contact property management with the number listed on the light pole and the closest home address to the pole.
Little Lending Library:
A “take-a-book, replace with a book” lending library is available to all homeowners and is located between the pool and Whitehall Community Park. The library was funded by donations in appreciation for Karen Kistler’s contributions to the development of the community garden/park.
Mail Box Keys:
If mailbox key is not provided at closing by the previous homeowner, contact a locksmith.
Natural Gas (PSNC) Service and Repairs:
1-877-776-2427, https://www.psncenergy.com
Call 911 for emergencies!
North Citizens Advisory Council:
There are 19 Citizens Advisory Councils (CAC) with representatives that serve on the Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council. The North Citizens Advisory Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at Abbotts Creek Community Center, 9950 Durant Road. Whitehall is registered as a neighborhood-based organization with the NCAC. Any individual can attend the Council meetings.
Planning and development issues that directly affect the North district are voted on at the Council meetings and rezoning matters then go before the Raleigh Planning Commission and City Council. The CACs vote is concerned in their decisions. Please review the web site for further information.
Owners Association Disclosure and Fee Breakdown
Click here for the full Real Estate Disclosure document for property sales and transfers.
• City of Raleigh leash law: All pets (including cats) are not to roam freely at anytime.
• Whitehall’s rules for pets reflect Raleigh and Wake County law enforced by Animal Control authorities.
• Please pick up after your dog right away.
Polling Information:
Pool Keys:
Entrance to swimming pool requires electric key card. Key cards are available from the Association Manager for $25.00. Request a key card here.
Pool Rules: Pool rules are strictly enforced. Violators lose pool privileges.
• Pool use is for residents only. Guests are welcome and must be accompanied by a resident.
• Pool hours: 6 am until 8 pm
• Entry is by key card. Contact the Association Manager to request replacement key cards.
• No: noise, rough play, glass containers.
• Shower before entering pool.
• Four guests per homeowner are allowed.
• Children under 16-years-old must be supervised by a parent or designated adult.
• Babies must wear swim diapers.
Property Management:
CAS Raleigh HOA Management Office
207 West Millbrook Rd., Suite 110
Raleigh, NC 27609
P: 919-788-9911
Wink Hilliard, Community Manager
919-367-7711 x1501
CAS Customer Service (website help, HOA payments):
Trash, Yard Waste and Recycling Schedule:
Whitehall is on the “Wednesday A” schedule.
The City of Raleigh will help you if you:
• Have difficulty placing your trash and recycling rolling carts to the street: 919-966-6884
• Have large items, i.e. old furniture and appliances, that need to be picked up 919-996-3245
General rules for trash placement:
• Trash pickup (green carts) is every Wednesday. Recycling (blue carts) and yard waste (neon green carts) are on alternating Wednesdays.
• Whitehall’s rules regarding trash are in accordance with the City of Raleigh waste code.
• Carts should be placed at the street no earlier than Tuesday and brought in by Thursday night.
• Keep carts hidden from view at all times.
• Homeowner is responsible for placing house number on all carts.
• Do not place used furniture, appliances, etc. at the side of the street.
• All trash/recycled material must fit in appropriate cart. Refer to the City of Raleigh website for trash, yard waste and recycling guidelines.
Vehicle and Parking:
• Each house is assigned two parking spaces only. Homeowners with a garage are assigned one space.
• Do not drive onto or park with wheels on unpaved areas.
• Marked visitor spaces are for only temporary guest use.
• Residents are responsible for directing guests to appropriate parking.
• Motorcycles follow the same rules as vehicles. Speed limit is 15 mph.
• Overnight parking is not permitted for commercial vehicles and trailers.
• Contact the Association Manager for towing information.
Water Supply Repair Policy:
The HOA is not responsible for maintenance of water supply lines to individual lots.
• If a water supply leak occurs between a homeowner’s lot and the meter, the homeowner is responsible for the repair and restoring the landscape after repairs have been completed.
• If the leak occurs between the meter and the City of Raleigh water main, the City should be contacted for repair. If location cannot be determined, contact: Raleigh Public Utilities Operations Division 919-996-3245 (all hours), https://raleighnc.gov/water
• Helpful: PSNC offers various kinds of utilities insurance, including water line breaks. https://www.psncenergy.com/repairs-maintenance
Whitehall Owners Association Meetings:
- Whitehall Homeowners meetings are held on the third Monday of each month, 6:30 pm, at the Community Room located near the pool. (Traditionally, there is not a December meeting.)
- All homeowners are encouraged to attend.
- A 15-minute period open to homeowners to address the Board is allocated prior to the meetings.
- Homeowners may observe business conducted by the Board.
- The Board has authority to enter executive business or a closed session based upon the Open Meetings law. (Article 13-C, § 143-318.11. Closed sessions).
- The Annual Whitehall Owners’ Association Meeting occurs on the third Monday in September at 6:30 pm, at the Anne Gordon Center for Active Adults, 1901 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC (across from Whitehall’s Spring Forest Entrance at Millbrook Exchange Park). The Board holds its election of officers at the annual meeting.
Whitehall Community Park/Garden:
Located near the pool and the Little Lending Library. Created to enjoy community gardening, socials, meditation and nature. Contact Toni Cambier, antonicacambier@gmail.com, for more information.
Whitehall Homeowners Association Board of Directors: boardmembers@whitehallraleigh.com
Marlene VandeBerg, President
Tommy Gattis, Vice President
Adrian Dellinger, Treasurer
Kim Overton, Secretary
Karlene “Honey” Turrentine – At Large Member
Elizabeth Lane – At Large Member
Leigh Shamblin – At Large Member
Window treatments:
• Window treatments must be blinds, shutters or drapes that are in good condition.
• No sheets, towels, shower curtains, cardboard, etc. should be used as window treatments.
• No window-mounted air conditioners.
Yard and Estate Sales:
No yard sales are permitted. Estate sales for deceased residents are allowed, with prior approval from the HOA Board.